Friday, November 21, 2008

Picture Tag

Sorry it's taken me a little longer to post this time than normal but Alli came down with strep throat on Tuesday afternoon and seemed to be better on Thursday and now Meredith is complaining of a sore throat so I've started her on the antibiotics now.  So far, this fall has not been good to us in the health department.  Hopefully it will get better.  It'd be nice if we could stay well for a week so we can get the flu shot before we get the flu.  

Anyway, my sweet friend, Leigh Ann, from Still Moments, picture tagged me this time.  I'm supposed to post my 4th picture in my 4th folder on my computer.  So, I looked through my files and this is what is was:

This picture was taken on February 23rd, 2007, and it was Michael and Meredith's birthday.  Yes, they have the same birthday which is pretty neat.  I didn't have to buy Michael a birthday present in 2002.  I thought a baby was good enough.  The girls hair is all fixed up (by their Aunt Carrie, of course) because Meredith as a flower girl in her great grandmother's wedding that day.  It was quite the day!

So, I now tag Patrick (he always has great pics), Corrie (tagged you back, hehe) and Trish (yet again, sorry).

1 comment:

Trish said...

I was just thinking how cute their hair looked! It is adorable. Well, hopefully my picture won't be vulgur...haha! Just teasing! I am sure it will be one of Jedidiah. This will be a fun tag, although no one I tag ever follows through...well except Patrick. I hope Meredith doesn't have strep throat! I also hope you all get well soon...cause I want to see y'all next week! Miss ya!