Friday, July 20, 2007

Sunday Night Social - July 15th

On Sunday night, July 15th, (yes, I know I'm behind in my posting) a Brett and Thurronda invited all of Adult 1 and 2 Sunday School classes over to their house on Sunday night. Bless their hearts! I don't know how many people came, but it was a bunch. I'm not talking just adults either, everyone's families were invited as well. I must say I don't think that is something I would want to conquer but it turned out great. I think everyone had a wonderful time with the water inflatable slide in the backyard and the hamburgers and hotdogs. I know my girls greatly enjoyed their gigantic playroom with all of the Barbies and other "girlie" stuff. Towards the end of the night, we were even entertained with Britton and his paraglider (I think that's what it's called) flying through the sky dropping down little parachute men on the children which thrilled them all.

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